Realtor® Party Mother's Day Online Auction
Looking for an opportunity to make your RPAC investment while also knocking out finding a gift for Mother's Day? Join the Realtor Party for the Annual Mother's Day Auction taking place online from April 22 to the 24. Registration is completely free and items will be shipped directly to you once the auction has concluded. Show your support for two worthwhile causes - RPAC and Mothers!

This year, the association will also be proactive and obtain items from local businesses. While the goal is to raise funds for the REALTOR® Party, the Broward, Palm Beaches & St. Lucie Realtors® also understands that it is vital to continue our community partnership by supporting our local economy! If you have any suggestions of local businesses to support, such as local bakeries, florists, personal trainers, wineries, spas, etc…, please share them by emailing

Mother's Day Gifts - Handbags, Gift Cards, Technology, Health/Lifestyle (not just items for Mothers)

Click here to participate Realtor Party Auction | Powered By GiveSmart