WPB: 14 Hour License Renewal (2 DAYS)
Instructor:  Dr. Michael Horwitz
WPB - West Palm Beach Location: One Harvard Circle #102, West Palm Beach, FL 33409
One Harvard Circle #102
West Palm Beach
One Harvard Circle #102, West Palm Beach
Renew Your License with Ease!

Is your license up for renewal? Say goodbye to the stress of meeting your Continuing Education requirements with our streamlined 2-day course! Enjoy complimentary breakfast and lunch while you learn - and no exams to worry about!

Please consider whether you would prefer to include a book when selecting your fee.

Keep Your Career Thriving:
Ensure your license stays current with our straightforward and comprehensive course. Now is the time to safeguard the investment you've made in your career by meeting Florida's Continuing Education requirements and avoiding license expiration.

Course Highlights:
  • Stay Updated: Recent FREC Rules Changes
  • Protect Against Fraud: Safeguard Your Seller's Funds!
  • Dive into Commissions: Master the Essentials
  • Elevate Your Brand: Marketing Yourself & Your Properties
This 14-hour course fulfills both the 3-hour Core Law and the 3-hour Ethics & Business Practices requirements, ensuring you're equipped for success in today's dynamic real estate landscape.

To CANCEL your class registration, please email class name, date, and location to or call 561-353-9190.

Class cancellations for “Specialty” courses (Designations/Certifications/license renewal) received within 3 business days of the class start day will be subject to a $20 cancellation fee, which would result in a partial refund of the paid registration fee. If the aforementioned registration was not paid, an invoice for the $20 cancellation fee will be applied.

Members who “No Show” a class without notice of cancellation prior to class will not be eligible for a refund of the registration fee.

By registering for this class/event you hereby consent to the photographing of yourself and the recording of your voice and the use of these photographs and/or recordings singularly or in conjunction with other photographs and/or recordings for advertising, publicity, commercial or other business purposes. You understand that the term “photograph” as used herein encompasses both still photographs and motion picture footage.